Beginners are often confused about buying their first guitar. Specifically, they wonder about whether or to buy an electric guitar or an accoustic.
In this video, I share my insight as to what I feel is the best option for young begginers.
Learning to find the notes by name on guitar is a critical skill if you have any desire to play the instrument with any level of skill.
If you are playing guitar solos you need to know what chord you are playing over so you can outline the chord changes. You don’t have time to be “hunting” for the right note. You need to find it quickly and in the most convenient location on the neck.
This is the best way I have seen to do this.
A simple explanation of musical intervals and how to use them to make major, minor and diminished chords.
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In this video I explain how to use Major and Minor Pentatonic Scales.
Specifically, we look at mixing and matching the two scales over a Major Chord Progression.